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Become a member

Application for student members

Completion instructions: Complete all the necessary fields and press the submit button. Your membership application form will move to the membership register of the Finnish Seafarers’s Union for processing.

Working member: Also complete those fields of the form which are connected to your employment.

About Unemployment Security: An unemployed person who (permanently) resides in Finland and who has fulfilled the terms and conditions for receiving unemployment benefit as enacted in the Unemployment Security Act is entitled to the unemployment benefits which are stated in and are according to the Unemployment Security Act.

NOTE! A member transferring to Seafarers´ Union from another foreign Trade Union: Please note that you must personally contact your previous trade union and unemployment fund and resign from them in writing so that the collection of your membership fees ends.


The Finnish Seafarers' Union                                       Open Unemployment Fund A-kassa
John Stenbergin ranta 6                                                   P.O Box 116
00530 Helsinki                                                                       FI-00531 Helsinki