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The Finnish Seamen's Union organizes for those who have been elected shop stewards, their own shop-steward courses. The courses are meant for all those who carry out shop steward activities.

If you would like more information about the courses and education, please contact Union Secretary Kenneth Bondas, tel. +358 (0) 9 615 20 254; kenneth.bondas(at)

As a member of the Finnish Seafarers’ Union you can participate in different courses ranging from ADP-skills to languages.

The Finnish Seamen’s Service office (MEPA) annually organizes for seafarers many possibilities to study and participate in hobbies and past-times. The subjects of the courses are languages, information technology, many types of recreation and exercises.

The Workers’ Education Association of Finland (TSL) offers courses the subjects of which vary from democratic citizenship and self-development to ADP-skills. You can ask from your own local trade union branch for a subsidy when participating in education organised by TSL.

The course selection of the Kiljava Institute//linkki is comprehensive. The Kiljava Institute’s education and courses ranges from shop steward and occupational safety education to information technology and even up to university level. During the summer the Kiljava Institute offers more specialised activities and possibilities for self-development.